Zambia Travel Guide
Zambia Travel Guide
The Western Provinces
What to see & do

Zambia Travel Guide

What to see & do

Lukulu doesn't have many obvious attractions, though the nearby Zambezi River and floodplains are very scenic. As with many of the area's smaller places, privacy can be a problem as an outsider is regarded as a source of free entertainment by some of the local community. Karun, a VSO volunteer living here, commented: 'If the visitor is willing to offer to the local people the same right to watch that s/he has assumed, then we have a happy relationship; if not, we have an unhappy visitor but content locals. Except for an occasional visit by a group of Makishi dancers, there are no other festivals that take place in Lukulu.'

Perhaps, for sanctuary or interest, you might like to stop at one of the country's loveliest mission stations:

Sancta Maria Mission

The peaceful Sancta Maria Catholic Mission (GPS:SANCTA) at Lukulu was founded in the 1930s and has a stunning setting high on one bank of the Zambezi, overlooking palm-fringed woodlands opposite. It is a beautiful place from which to watch the sunset. The mission is run by the Sisters of the Holy Cross whose projects include community education and a leprosy clinic.

There is a Sunday service in Lozi that offers a fascinating blend of Catholicism and Lozi culture – with lots of singing and dancing. Being just over the river from Liuwa Plain, the sisters tell of one day, in the 1950s, when the bell in the tower started ringing wildly. On investigation the bellringer proved to be a spotted hyena which had seized the raw-hide rope in its jaws, and was trying to pull it off and eat it.

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