Zambia Travel Guide
Zambia Travel Guide

Zambia Travel Guide

   1.Facts and Figures

   2.History and economy
            The Iron Age
            Origins of trade
            The chiefs
            The growth of trade
            Scramble for Africa
            The mines
            Welfare organisations
            The 1990s
            The 21st century
            Mining industry

         Language groups
         Helping the poor

   4.The natural environment
         Field guides
         National Parks & GMA

   5.Planning & preparation
         Entry requirements
         When to go
         What to take
         Maps & navigation
         Photography & optics
         Vehicle hire
         Organising a safari
            Suggested itineraries

   6.Health and safety
         Before you go
         Travel clinics
         Malaria prevention
         Medical kit
         Staying healthy
         When to see a doctor
         Safety for women

   7.In the wilds
            Zambian roads
            Driving at night
            4WD techniques
            Driving near big game
         Bush camping
            Where you can camp
            Using a tent?
            Animal dangers
         Bush walks & walking safaris
            Face-to-face encounters
         Minimum impact

   8.Zambia today
         Cost of living in Zambia
         Getting around Zambia
         Accommodation in Zambia
         Food and drink in Zambia
         What to buy in Zambia
         Organising and booking
         Communications in Zambia
         Media in Zambia
         Hospitals & dentists in Zambia

         Getting there
         Getting around
         Getting around
         Where to stay
            International hotels
               Taj Pamodzi Hotel
               Hotel InterContinental
               Holiday Inn
            Mid-range hotels
               Chrismar Hotel
               Fairview Hotel
            Budget hotels
               Andrews Motel
               Barn Motel
               Belvedere Lodge
               Chainama Hotel
               Garden House Hotel
               Hillview Hotel
               Kafue Garden Hotel
               Longacres Lodge
               Lusaka Hotel
               Ndeke Hotel
            Small guesthouses
               Amaka Lodge
               Arabian Nights
               Chita Lodge
               Comfort Zone
               Endesha Guest House
               Juls Guesthouse
               Kaingo Guest House
               Kalundu Guest House
               Nena's Guest House
               Oleander Lodge
               Oriental Garden
               Oriental Garden
               Palmwood Lodge
               Pearl Haven Inn
               Lodge Serenity
               Vineyard Guest House
               Wayside B&B
               Zamearth Lodge
            Hostels and camping
               Chachacha Backpackers'
               Fringilla B&B
               Kuomboka Backpackers
               Pioneer Campsite
            Lodges outside town
               Chaminuka Lodge
               Chaminuka Bushcamp
               Lusaka Safari Lodge
               Lechwe Lodge
               Lilayi Lodge
         Where to eat
            Pubs & light meals
         Banks and money
         Post and telephone
         Info & addresses
         What to see and do
            Local markets
            Sport activities
            Adventure City
            Places to visit

   10.Livingstone & Victoria Falls
         Useful information
         Getting there
         Getting around
         Where to stay
            Chanter's Guesthouse
            Chundukwa River
            Fawlty Towers Lodge
            Guestmate Inn
            Islands of Siankaba
            Jungle Junction
            Kingfisher Houseboat
            Livingstone Lodge
            Likute Guesthouse
            Lost Horizons
            Namel's Guest Lodge
            Natural Mystic Lodge
            New Fairmount Hotel
            Ngolide Lodge
            Peregrine's Nest
            Rite Inn
            River Club
            Royal Livingstone
            Sindabezi Island
            Songwe Point Village
            Southern Comfort
            Stanley Lodge
            Sussi & Chuma
            Taita Falcon Lodge
            Tangala House
            Thorntree River Lodge
            Tree-Tops River
            Wane Guest Lodge
            Wasawange Lodge
            Zambezi Royal Chundu
            Zambezi Sun
            Zambezi Ultima
            Zig Zag
            Zambezi Waterfront
         Where to eat
         Other supplies
         Banks and Money

   11.Victoria Falls (The town)
         Getting there and away
         Getting around
         Where to stay
            A'Zambezi Rainbow Hotel
            Elephant Hills Hotel
            Ilala Lodge
            Kalai Lodge
            The Kingdom
            Livingstone Tranquillity
            Lorries Lodge
            Rainbow Hotel
            Sprayview Hotel
            Vic Falls Campsite
            Victoria Falls Hotel
            Victoria Falls Safari Lodge
            Villa Victoria
            Zambezi N.P. camp
         Where to eat
         Credit cards and Forex
         What to see and do
            The Falls
            Livingstone Island
            River (booze) cruises
            Crocodile park
            Sightseeing & culture
         Thrills and Spills
            Flight of Angels
            Upper Zambezi canoe
            White-water rafting
            Jet boats
            Quad bikes
         Safaris near Victoria Falls
         Trips beyond Victoria Falls
         Tour operators

   12.Lake Kariba and the Lower Zambezi
         Livingstone to Lusaka
         Lake Kariba
            Where to stay
            Getting organised
            What to see and do
            Where to stay
         Islands on the lake
            Chete, Zebra & Sekula
            Chikanka Island
         Lusaka to Chirundu
            Chirundu boder area
         Lower Zambezi Valley
            Flora and Fauna
            Getting there
            Where to stay
               Ana Tree Lodge
               Chiawa Campsite
               Chiawa Camp
               Kanyemba Lodge
               Kasaka River Lodge
               Kayila Lodge
               Kiubo River Lodge
               Kulefu Camp
               L. Zambezi River
               Mvuu Lodge
               Mwambashi River
               Nyati River Lodge
               Old Mondoro
               Redcliff Zambezi
               Royal Zambezi
               Sausage Tree
               Sobek Canoe
               Wild Tracks
               Zambezi River Lodge

   13.The Luangwa Valley
         Safari origins
            Norman Carr's legacy
         The Great East Road
         South Luangwa National Park
            History of South Luangwa
            Geography & geology of South Luangwa
            Flora and Fauna of South Luangwa
            Conservation in South Luangwa
            Getting organised
            Getting to South Luangwa
               Travel Advice
            Getting around
            Where to stay in South Luangwa
               Chichele Presidential
               Chikoko Trails
               Island Bushcamp
               Lion Camp
               Luwi Bushcamp
               Mchenja Camp
               Mfuwe Lodge
               Nsefu Camp
               Nsolo Bushcamp
               Puku Ridge
               Tena Tena
               Wildlife Camp
               Zebra Pans
            Other types of trips
               Mobile safaris
               River safaris
            Cultural tourism in South Luangwa
         North Luangwa National Park
            History of North Luangwa
            Flora and fauna of North Luangwa
            Getting to North Luangwa
            Where to stay in North Luangwa
               Buffalo Camp
         Luambe National Park
            Getting to Luambe
            Flora and fauna of Luambe
            The Gough Memorial
            Where to stay in Luambe
         Lukusuzi National Park

   14.Bangweulu Area
         Three main towns
         Kasanka National Park
            Flora and fauna
            Getting there
            Where to stay
            What to see & do
         Kasanga & Bangweulu
            Nsalu Cave
            Livingstone Memorial
            Kundalila Falls
            Lake Waka Waka
            Lavushi Manda National Park
         Lake Bangweulu
            Flora and fauna
            When to go
            Getting there
            Where to stay
            What to see & do
         Around Mpika
            Mutinondo Wilderness
               Getting there
               Where to stay
               What to see & do
            Shiwa Ng'andu
               Getting there
               Where to stay
               What to see & do

   15.Northern Zambia
         Great North Road
               Getting there
               Where to stay
               Where to eat
               Getting there
               Where to stay
                  Harbour Inn
                  Isanga Bay Lodge
                  Kalambo Lodge
                  Lake Tanganyika
                  Mishembe Bay
                  Nkupi Lodge
               What to see
         Lake Tanganyika
            Flora and fauna
         Kalambo Falls
            Getting there
         Sumbu National Park
            Flora and fauna
            Sumbu Township
               Getting there
               Where to stay
                  Kasaba Bay Lodge
                  Ndole Bay Lodge
                  Nkamba Bay Lodge
               What to see and do
         Road to Mweru Wantipa
            Luapula Falls
            Lusenga Plain N.P.
            Mweru Wantipa N.P.
         From Mbereshi to Kawambwa and Mporokoso
            Ntumbachushi Falls
            Kalungwishi Falls
               Getting there
         Nyika Plateau National Park
            Flora and fauna
            Getting there
            What to see and do
            Where to stay

   16.The Copperbelt
         Kapiri Mposhi
            Where to stay
            Where to eat
            What to see and do
            Where to stay
               Arabian Nights
               Edinburgh Hotel
               House of Jasmine
               Mukwa Guest House
               Nkana Hotel
               Park Lane
            Where to eat
         Wildlife Orphanage
            Where to stay
            What to see and do
            Where to stay
               Chacha Guesthouse
               Changa Changa Motel
               Floriana Lodge
               Hellen's Lodge
               Mwaaka Lodge

   17.Kafue River Basin
         Towns near Kafue National Park
         Kafue National Park
            Flora and Fauna
            Getting there and around
         Northern Kafue
            Getting there (4WD)
            Where to stay
               Busanga Bushcamp
               Chamafumba Camp
               Hippo Lodge
               Kafwala Camp
               Kafwala Rapids Camp
               Leopard Lodge
               Lufupa Lodge
               Lunga River Lodge
               McBrides' Camp
               Moshi Camp
               Ntemwa Camp
               Shumba Bushcamp
               Treetops School Camp
         Southern Kafue
            Getting there by 4WD
            Where to visit
            Where to stay
               Chunga Safari Village
               Njovu Safari Lodge
               Puku Pans
               New Kalala Camp
               David Shepherd
               Musungwa Lodge
         Kafue National Park campsites
         Lochinvar & Blue Lagoon national parks
            Flora and Fauna
         Lochinvar National Park
            Getting there
            Where to stay
            What to see and do
         Blue Lagoon National Park
            Getting there
            Where to stay
            What to see and do

   18.The Western Provinces
         Southwestern Zambia
            Sesheke to Ngonye
               Where to stay
                  Zambelozi Lodge
                  Sakazima Camp
                  Mutemwa Lodge
                  Kavumbu River
                  Maziba Bay
            Sioma Ngwezi N.P.
               Flora and fauna
               Getting there
            Ngonye Falls area
               What to see & do
            Ngonye To Senanga
               Getting there & away
               Getting around
               Where to stay
                  Cheers Lodge
                  Green View
                  Hollywood Motel
                  Lumba Guesthouse
                  Lyambai Hotel
                  New Cross Roads
                  Ngulu Hotel
                  Sir Mwanawina III
               Getting organised
               Getting there & away
               Getting there & away
               Where to stay
               Where to eat
               What to see & do
         Liuwa Plain National Park
            Flora and fauna
            Getting organised
            Getting there
            Where to stay
         Northwestern Zambia
            West Lunga N.P.
               Getting there
               What to see & do
            Hillwood and Nchila
               Where to stay
               What to see & do
               Flora and fauna
               When to visit

   19.Wildlife guide
         Cats and dogs
            African wild dog
            Spotted hyena
            Common baboon
            Vervet monkey
            Blue monkey
            Colobus monkey
         Large antelope
            Sable antelope
            Roan antelope
            Blue wildebeest
            Lichtenstein's hartebeest
         Medium & small antelope
            Common duiker
         Other large herbivores
            African elephant
            Black rhinoceros
            Burchell's zebra
         Small mammals
            African civet
            Banded mongoose
            Honey badger
            Rock hyrax
            Scrub hare
            Tree squirrel


   21.Further reading

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