Zambia Travel Guide
Zambia Travel Guide
Kafue River Basin
Blue Lagoon Nat. Pk.

Zambia Travel Guide

Blue Lagoon National Park

US$5 per person per day, plus US$5 per vehicle
Blue Lagoon is on the north side of the river. A farming couple turned conservationists, the Critchleys, originally owned it. In recent years, and especially during KK's reign, the Ministry of Defence restricted access to this 'park' to the military, plus a few privileged politicians and generals who used the old farmhouse intermittently as a hunting retreat – with predictable impact on the local wildlife.

Now it's much more relaxed and the team from Mukambi Safari Lodge in Kafue are working here with the WWF to try and resuscitate the park. Given that the environment is still in reasonable shape, and that the natural flooding regime of the river can be re-established, they have every chance of success in the long term.

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