Zambia Travel Guide
Zambia Travel Guide
The Luangwa Valley
Luambe National Park
Flora and fauna

Zambia Travel Guide

Flora and fauna of Luambe

Luambe is mostly mopane woodland, and some of this is beautiful, tall cathedral mopane with lots of space between the trees and very little undergrowth. There are also areas of miombo woodlands and grasslands.

Luambe is a small park in the middle of a large Game Management Area (where controlled hunting is allowed). Thus, although the ecosystem is virtually identical to that of the North and South Luangwa parks, the game densities are lower. On my last trip through here in June, I saw a sprinkling of small antelope – especially around the lodge and near the river. So it would be well worth investigating further, and you could expect good birdwatching in this very isolated corner of the Luangwa Valley.

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